Morning/Afternoon at leisure
Six Samba Schools parade on the Saturday of Winners, which is the first Saturday after Carnival: Champion and Vice-champion of Access Group A, fourth, third place of Special Group, Champion and vice-Champion of the Special Group.
Sector 9 is the tourist sector which means that tickets for there are mainly sold abroad and are priced significantly higher. This is the most expensive sector, because of the infrastructure that it offers to the clients private entrance, strong security, different options for food, shops, convenience stores. Besides all that, the major difference on sector 9, is the only sector, that has marked seats on the bleachers (and they accommodate 2300 people which sectors 3,5,7 and 11 accommodates 2900 people with the same size).
Bleachers seats ("arquibancadas") are on big concrete steps. Besides the advantage of having marked seats, the Sector 9 has also another advantage. The drummers of every school stop, perform and play in the drummers' niche (between Sector 9 and 11) where the atmosphere is the most heated and intense. Sundays and Mondays.
The Parade starts at 9 p.m. and goes on until sunlight the next day, around 5-6 a.m. Each samba school has a time of 70 to 80 minutes to make it through the runway